Redfearn’s Nursery
Redfearn’s Nursery
1018 Cedar Point Blvd.
Swansboro, NC 28584


Redfearn’s Nursery was established in 1967. We serve the North Carolina Crystal Coast and many areas of eastern and central NC as well. We have clients of many many years from different parts of the US that visit us every year to “take home” plants and baskets from the nursery.

We offer gardening and landscape services for residential and commercial interest along the coast. We are located in Coastal Zone 8A. Redfearn’s Nursery is known for its exceptional service, quality products, and as always, the best selection of plants, sod, shrubs, trees, palms, etc.....available in the area. Our knowledgeable staff has combined experience in the nursery and plant business of over 100 years.

Redfearn's Nursery is owned and operated by Allan and Judy Redfearn. We have a reputation for quality products and services. If you are looking for salt tolerant perennials, Palm trees, shrubbery, annuals, bedding plants, sod (we also have a large variety of specialty grasses and water plants), landscape services and garden supplies, Redfearn’s is the one stop garden center with a knowledgeable staff and friendly service.

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