Leary Plant Farm, Inc.
Leary Plant Farm, Inc.
Edenton, North Carolina 27932
Leary Plant Farm Inc. is a 45 year old family owned business located in the beautiful coastal plain of northeastern North Carolina. The area is bounded on two sides by the Chowan River and the Albemarle Sound. Located near colonial Edenton, history overflows even in the name of our community, named "Rocky Hock" by native Indians, which means "beautiful garden".
The business operates a modern 12 acre greenhouse range specializing in Spring bedding plants, hanging baskets, and flowering potted plants. Pansies and garden mums are grown in the Fall followed by poinsettias at Christmas.
Leary Plant Farm was formed in the mid-1950's by Stillman Leary and his three sons, primarily for vegetable farming. They grew tomato plants in the first glass-covered roof vented greenhouse for field production. In the late 1960's they began selling pansy and vegetable plants grown in peat pots and wooden flats, to local feed and seed stores. Jack Leary took the business in the 1970's and started expanding his sales to chain stores, like K-Mart and others.
In the early 1980's Rod Leary, Jack's son, came on board. Now Rod, as president, and his team of gifted personnel have expanded the business to 12 acres of modern roof-vented greenhouse production. In summer their outdoor production totals 12 acres also.
We at Leary Plant Farm have taken pride in growing quality plants for our customers for nearly half a century. Service has always been a key to our success. Catering to customers from the smallest of garden centers to the large chains, we feel everyone is number one.
© 2007 Leary Plant Farm, Inc.
