Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center
8224 Holly Springs Road
Raleigh, NC 27606
Phone: (919) 851-6821
Fax: (919) 851-6495
Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center’s humble beginnings started thirty-some years ago as a passion of growing plants and a little help of the green thumb of Jo Ann Dewar. Originally a wholesale business, we later evolved in a successful retail garden center open to the public.
Throughout the years, we have received some awards for our dedication and quality of plants. In 2003, the North Carolina Flower Growers Association presented Jo Ann with the Joe Love Grower of the Year Award. In addition, we have been voted the “Best Garden Center of Western Wake County,†by the Maggy Awards.
Our state-of-the-art garden center was built in 2004 and features plant care products, garden tools, bird products, flower containers, statuary, home decor, a silk/dried floral department and a gift boutique. Our large selection of quality products and our great customer service make our customers want to keep coming back for more. Not to mention, our knowledgeable staff is perhaps our best asset! From determining pest problems and solutions to which plants will work in your lighting conditions, our staff knows what will work in our area! We take pride in being the “Best Garden Center of Western Wake County,†and our staff reflects that.
Last but not least, we pride ourselves on our top quality, homegrown plant material. We have two acres of greenhouse space that is used for growing annual flowers and poinsettias. We also offer an additional eight acres devoted solely to trees, shrubs, groundcovers and perennials. Whether your project is small scale or rather large, we are certain to have what you are looking for.
A quick visit to Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center will open your eyes to the endless possibilities for your home, inside and out.
Copyright Fairview Greenhouses and Garden Center. All Rights Reserved.