A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar
A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar
503 Olde Waterford Way Suite #107
Leland, NC 28451

(910) 371-2224
(910) 371-2224


A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar, Your Number One Florist in Leland

For fresh, high-quality flowers in Leland, you can count on A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar. Our professional staff of florists in Leland will work with you to create beautiful, unique gifts for your special occasions. Not only do we provide flower delivery in Leland, we can deliver nationwide as well through our trusted network of florists. We even offer same day flower delivery at no extra cost for those last-minute gifts!

Bring a smile to their faces with a bouquet of fresh get well flowers! A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar features floral arrangements and gift baskets for every occasion. Valentine's Day flowers, Mother's Day flowers, birthday flowers, you name it -- A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar, one of the leading flower shops in Leland, has just the bouquet you are looking for. You can count on A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar to deliver gift baskets, stunning anniversary flowers, or even sympathy funeral flowers in Leland NC.

Sending flowers to Leland and nationwide has never been easier. We gladly accept orders online or you may choose to browse our website and phone in your order to our shop. Don’t see exactly what you want? We can create a custom gift baskets designed to perfectly fit your special occasion. When you need to send the very best, select A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar, your local Leland flower shop.

World-Class Flowers in Leland, A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar

The floral designers at A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar are committed to creating special flower arrangements to suit your specific needs. We also have a broad assortment of plants and gift baskets for every occasion. Each of our bouquets is professionally arranged in a reusable vase using only fresh flowers in Leland. To add a special touch, we also carefully hand-deliver each arrangement directly to your recipient. When you shop at A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar, your order will be handled with the utmost care by one of the foremost florists in Leland NC.

When you order online, you sometimes don’t know what you’re going to get. Some floral sites ship flowers from massive warehouses, so your recipients receive a cardboard box with uncut flowers on their doorstep. Not so with A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar. We’re an actual florist in Leland, staffed by people whose goal is to satisfy our customers. When you order through our secure website, you’re sure to get artistically hand-arranged, hand-delivered fresh flowers in Leland and nationwide. Why risk sending something your loved ones have to unpack and arrange themselves when you can send an abundant arrangement from A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar?

A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar in Leland, NC provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in North Carolina:

Our shop serves the following areas: Leland, Winnabow and ALL of Wilmington

28410, 28403, 28404, 28401, 28406, 28405, 28402, 28407, 28409, 28412, 28408, 28411, 28451.

About The Company

A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar proudly serves the Leland, Winnabow and All of Wilmington area. We are family owned and operated. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. Because all of our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated to making your experience a pleasant one. That is why we always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect.

Let A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar be your first choice for flowers.
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