Wake Forest Florist
Wake Forest Florist
536 South White Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587

(919) 556-2144
(888) 873-7511

Flowers You Can Trust from Wake Forest Florist, Your Local Wake Forest Florist


Wake Forest Florist, one of the leading flower shops in Wake Forest, is proud to offer a wide assortment of fresh flowers for your gift-giving needs. Our dedicated staff will help make any occasion memorable with an artfully designed arrangement. At Wake Forest Florist, we offer same day flower delivery to Wake Forest and surrounding communities at no additional cost. We can also fulfill orders across the country through our network of dependable florists.

Few gifts create an impression like fresh, colorful flowers. Make your next occasion one to remember with a gift from Wake Forest Florist. From lavish anniversary flowers to heartfelt sympathy flower arrangements, Wake Forest Florist is the florist in Wake Forest to call when you want something special. Allow us to be your flower source for Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day flowers, or any other holiday. For the most elegant flowers in Wake Forest NC including get well flowers and birthday flowers, call Wake Forest Florist.

Sending flowers to Wake Forest and nationwide has never been easier. We gladly accept orders online or you may choose to browse our website and phone in your order to our shop. Don’t see exactly what you want? We can create a custom gift baskets designed to perfectly fit your special occasion. When you need to send the very best, select Wake Forest Florist, your local Wake Forest flower shop.

Fresh, Hand-Arranged Flowers in Wake Forest from Wake Forest Florist

Wake Forest Florist is the premier florist in Wake Forest NC and has an extensive assortment of lush, beautiful plants and flowers to meet your gift-giving needs. Even if the occasion is no occasion, and you just want to show someone you’re thinking of them, our floral professionals can create a charming flower arrangement for your special someone. All of our bouquets are attractively arranged by one of our skilled floral designers and hand-delivered to your recipients. Wake Forest Florist is proud to offer the finest selection of flowers in Wake Forest.

Don’t be fooled into ordering from national floral sites that ship flowers in a box. Nothing ruins the joy of receiving fresh flowers like unpacking damaged and dehydrated blooms and having to arrange them yourself. When you select Wake Forest Florist to send flowers to Wake Forest or any other destination, your order will be handled professionally and with the utmost care by expert florists in Wake Forest.

Wake Forest Florist in Wake Forest, NC provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in North Carolina:
Our local shops serves the following area: Wake Forest, Raleigh, Louisburg, Franklinton, Rolesville, Youngsville, Wakefield Plantation, as well as the rural tri-county areas of northern Wake County, southern Franklin and Granville counties. And through our network of over 33,000 Teleflora member florists, we can deliver anywhere, around the block or around the world.

27587, 27588, 27525, 27571, 27596.

About The Company

Wake Forest Florist & Gifts is the original florist of Wake Forest, having served the local community for over 40 years. We are committed to offering not only the freshest flowers in town, but the finest floral services available. This includes daily flower deliveries, exotics direct from Holland, award winning floral artistry, and certified professional florists on staff. We are dedicated to making your occasion, whether joyful or solemn, a distinctive experience and one you will remember for years to come.

Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.
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