Red Wheel Florist
Red Wheel Florist
2384 Salem Church Road
Lincolnton, NC 28092

(704) 735-4677
(800) 221-6041

Visit Red Wheel Florist, The Leading Florist in Lincolnton

When you need flower delivery to Lincolnton, Red Wheel Florist is here for you. We have an expansive array of flowers, plants and gifts to suit any occasion, and our experienced staff can work with you to create a one-of-a-kind gift you’re sure to love. Red Wheel Florist is a member of a nationwide network of trusted florists and can help you send a thoughtful gift across the country when you can’t be there yourself. Same day flower delivery is offered at no additional charge; just another reason Red Wheel Florist is one of the top florists in Lincolnton.

Few gifts create an impression like fresh, colorful flowers. Make your next occasion one to remember with a gift from Red Wheel Florist. From lavish anniversary flowers to heartfelt sympathy flower arrangements, Red Wheel Florist is the florist in Lincolnton to call when you want something special. Allow us to be your flower source for Mother's Day flowers, Valentine's Day flowers, or any other holiday. For the most elegant flowers in Lincolnton NC including get well flowers and birthday flowers, call Red Wheel Florist.

When you want to send a thoughtful gift, why not send flowers? Using our secure website, you can order flowers in Lincolnton at your convenience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The extensive online selection from Red Wheel Florist is sure to please. For a unique gift, you can call us and one of our highly trained florists in Lincolnton will create a beautiful one-of-a-kind floral arrangement just for you.

Fresh, Hand-Arranged Flowers in Lincolnton from Red Wheel Florist

Red Wheel Florist is the premier florist in Lincolnton NC and has an extensive assortment of lush, beautiful plants and flowers to meet your gift-giving needs. Even if the occasion is no occasion, and you just want to show someone you’re thinking of them, our floral professionals can create a charming flower arrangement for your special someone. All of our bouquets are attractively arranged by one of our skilled floral designers and hand-delivered to your recipients. Red Wheel Florist is proud to offer the finest selection of flowers in Lincolnton.

Some sites send flowers from a warehouse, uncut and unarranged in a plain brown box. When you order flowers from Red Wheel Florist, you can be confident that you’re receiving a professionally arranged, hand-delivered gift. We’re one of the most trusted florists in Lincolnton and our staff works hard to make sure every arrangement that goes out the door is the best it can be. Our customers are our first priority whether you’re purchasing flowers in Lincolnton or for delivery across the country.

Red Wheel Florist in Lincolnton, NC provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in North Carolina:
Our shop serves the following areas: Lincolnton, Boger City, Crouse, Iron Station, Cherryville, Gastonia, Denver, Maiden, Stanley.

28033, 28055, 28080, 28037, 28021, 28034, 28658, 28054, 28650, 28056, 28052, 28053, 28092, 28093, 28673.

About The Company

Red Wheel Florist proudly serves Lincolnton, Boger City, and Crouse. We are family owned and operated. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. Because all of our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated to making your experience a pleasant one. That is why we always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect.

Let Red Wheel Florist be your first choice for flowers.
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