Floral Visions Design Studio
Floral Visions Design Studio
729 N. Peace Haven Rd
Winston Salem NC 27104

Please note our phone number has changed to, 336-793-2363

Imaginative award-winning floral artistry and distinctive design with an established reputation for sophisticated taste and vision.

Based in Winston Salem NC , serving the Greater Triad Area.

"Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it."
Henry David Thoreau

Welcome to our website. All images are examples of work we designed for our clients. Please take your time and explore our pages. We love to share our passion for flowers with others.

Contact Information

Floral Visions is a working studio, not a typical florist Our work studio is at our home. Because of the demands of the profession it just made sense to us.

Wedding and event planning is by appointment only. Please call (336-793-2363) and we will try our best to accommodate your time needs.

Saturdays are most always devoted strictly to our weddings. If you need something on a Saturday, please call earlier in the week so we can make arrangements.

On another note, one that many florist are concerned about and that is being socially responsible. Even the term 'socially' only responds to the human interest of an issue. Our business does require the use of a lot of our resources and usually that is ultimately for only one day.

My point is two sided, one, that you/we take a minute to really appreciate what it takes to create our/your "one" day. Things like, your flowers could have been flown in from three different continents, and they, if properly handled have been individually handled and inspected, taken from crowded boxes processed with loving hands to fulfill their whole purpose in life, to shine for your big day. Some people value flowers by how long they last, we, on the other hand strive to see that each blossom is at it peak for your moment and although the flowers themselves may only be here for a short while, they will remain beautiful in your wedding pictures for many years to come.

Know that we are doing our part to make as little impact on the environment as possible. We don't just throw all our waste in the dumpster to be put in the landfill. We take our cardboard to be recycled. We buy local flowers when possible. We save all aluminum drink cans for recycling. Our green waste is even recycled into mulch to be used in landscaping instead of going to the landfill. We switch to florescent lights when possible. The point is we are doing all we can to help keep our planet Green.

General Information: floralvisions@msn.com

Imaginative award-winning floral artistry and distinctive design with an established reputation for sophisticated taste and vision.

Based in Winston Salem NC , serving the Greater Triad Area.

"Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it."
Henry David Thoreau

Copyright © 2007 Floral Visions Design Studio
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