Clemmons Florist
Clemmons Florist
219 West Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC - 27401
(336) 275-4596
Welcome to the site of Greensboro's most well known and respected family owned florist. We look forward to providing a mutually satisfactory online shopping experience for you and all your floral needs.
Friendship can be expressed in many ways and flowers can show your friends how you truly feel.
Clemmons Florist
Established for over 50 years, we are one of Greensboro's oldest family owned florist. We are a third generation florist offering the finest flowers and plants available anywhere. We are centrally located in the Downtown Area. Offering prompt, air-conditioned delivery service in our own vans-we service all of the city limits of Greensboro and most of Guilford County. Because our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated to providing you with the most prompt service and quality products obtainable. We proudly give a 100% guarantee to our customers.
New! Our Online Catalog of Flowers, Plants, and Gifts
Clemmons Florist now offers our traditional service via the internet. Feel free to browse our online catalog and order items straight from our website. Or if you prefer, give us a call with your order, and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can. Happy Shopping!.
